Akela's Council
What is Akela’s Council?
Akela’s Council is a hands-on, in-camp, multi-day, Cub Scout training experience that models many aspects of a typical Cub Scout program year. The goal is to help leaders learn how to run a quality program that delivers the promise of fun, adventure and the aims of Scouting. Past participants have deemed Akela’s Council to be the most motivating and enjoyable training they have ever attended.
Reasons to attend…
- Akela's Council has been a popular and effective advanced training course for Cub Scout leaders in the area for over thirty-five years.
- Training sessions are conducted and led by outstanding volunteer Scouters who are prepared to educate and inspire you.
- Leaders who attend return home with current information, increased knowledge and energy, a network of support, renewed enthusiasm and hands-on experience, and a personalized plan and set of goals to make improvements in their dens, packs and district.
- There is no better place to connect with and learn from other dedicated Cub Scout leaders who exemplify the values of Scouting.
Who should attend?
Anyone involved in Cub Scouting! Cubmasters & assistants, den leaders & assistants, pack committee chairs and committee members, unit commissioners, Cub Scout roundtable staff, and anyone else who enjoys Cub Scouting. Attendees will need to be registered and basic trained.
Who can attend?
To attend an Akela's Council course, Scouters must:
- Be registered adult members of Scouting America.
- Have completed basic training courses for their Scouting position.
- Be capable of functioning safely in an outdoor environment. All participants are required to complete the Annual Health and Medical Record forms A, B, and C.
What will I learn?
- The Aims & Methods of Cub Scouting
- Organizing, financing and running a Cub Scout pack
- Using gathering activities, skits, run-ons, games, cheers & songs
- Recognition and advancement
- Ceremonies and activities that inspire patriotism, build character and add adventure
- Special Events - Ideas for your Blue & Gold banquets, campfires, derbies, Genius Kits, Cubanapolis, and more!
- Before July 11, 2024 - $130 per person (includes meals and training materials); $75 Deposit at time of registration.
- After July 11, 2024 - $155 per person (includes meals and training materials); $75 Deposit at time of registration.
Get registered...
Akela’s Council - August 6 - 9, 2025 (Camp Tifie) Register Now
Akela’s Council - September 9 - 12, 2026 (Camp Maple Dell) Save the Date